Sunday, August 30, 2009

The PW Method

We're going to keep this as simple as we can. Drinks are photo- graphed, along with any applicable container and presented alongside a review. If necessary, a little background on the beverage, company, history, or other miscellany is also included.

The beverage is reviewed on four totally subjective measures:

Presentation/Appearance -- How does it look? How pleasing is the container, if applicable? Is it inviting? Aesthetically pleasing? This accounts for no more than 5% of the score.

Smell/Odor/Aroma -- The nose, that is. How does the beverage smell? Does a fruit infused drink smell like the fruit? Sour is ok, if the drink is supposed to be sour. Once again, is the smell inviting? Does it match the beverage? Aroma accounts for 15% of the total score.

Taste -- This is the single most important factor in a rating and it is highly subjective. I'll do my best to describe what I am tasting. This accounts for 50% of the score.

Satisfaction/Enjoyability -- This is a measure of whether I would want more or readily recommend it. For example, a minty soft drink might have an incredible cold mint flavor, but would I make it a regular drink? Would I say to someone, "You really must try this?" Sometimes delicious drinks can be too intense, or too caffeinated or too alcoholic. Again, this is all subjective. And this accounts for 30% of the score.

Scores are based on a scale from 0 to 10. Zero is utterly awful, a very rare score, I would hope. Ten is a euphoria-inducing nectar of the gods sort of thing. I would think this is exceedingly rare also. Five is rather normal. Nothing stands out, not bad, not good sort of thing. I'm sure I'll refine the grading as time passes.

I'll try to maintain link lists to postings based on category, grade, and possibly geographic origin.

Occasionally, I will also do some blind tastings to make sure I am not influenced by packaging and appearances.