Sunday, August 30, 2009

Organizing The Potable World

First, thanks to Steve for posting a comment on the water entry and reminding me I have a blog or three that I need to write.

Photography equipment will be arriving shortly so that I don't have to "borrow" photographs on the various drinks that will appear here. The look and feel aspect of the blog is important, too, so there will be a consistent approach to the photos.

The water post was intended to kill time until I was prepared to begin. By the way, I have not kept my promise regarding bottled water. It is just too convenient.

On to what will be included in The Potable World. This blog will be a running catalog of beverages of as many types and origins as I can obtain. Most of these beverages will be canned or bottled,however, some will be sourced from taps, barrels (steel and wood), and animals. The organization of the beverages over time will be by type of drink. If it seems interesting, the geographical source of the beverage will also be used as an alternative organizing principle. I think it will after a while. It is The Potable World after all.

High-level beverage categories are as follows:

Teas & Tisanes
Juices (fruit and vegetable)
Soft Drinks
Energy Drinks
Cocktails & Mixes (including non-alcohol)

I don't intend to review liquid or near-liquid foods such as soups, broths, sauces, and puddings, unless they are part of a drink. It should go without saying that reviews of liquid medicines will not be included, and that they should never be part of a drink. For example, if someone offers you a NyQuiltini, don't drink it. Leave the party.

The Cocktails & Mixes category is intended to capture the hybrid drinks. Besides traditional cocktails, this would include shandies, nogs, virgin versions of alcholic cocktails, and those random softdrink mixes that kids love to do at soda fountains. I happen to enjoy a splash of lemonade in my Sprite, 7-Up, or Sierra Mist, for example.

For Juices, most will be container versions, however, I will be juicing a variety of fruits and vegetables in order to compare fresh juices to those that are pasteurized and otherwise preserved.

Normally, I don't intentionally drink caffeine, but I will be doing so for this blog. And, I haven'tevolved like most people to where I have the enzyme lactase readily available in my digestive track, so the Milks will present a special problem, but I'll see what I can do about that.

I'm excited and nervous about this. I'm looking forward to things like an intensely hot ginger ale or an exotic fruit juice and I dread buttermilk and anise-flavored spirits (respectively, not mixed.)

In the next post, I'll describe the method and the ratings I'll use. I'll also make a plea for you to follow along and post your ratings. We all have different palates, however slight, and hearing what you think will be the thing that adds value to a simple blog like this.